Rabiya Basharat
3 min readApr 16, 2021



Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro technique helps us to improve productivity levels. But the question is How???

Well, the effectiveness comes in the form of the structure that it brings. Increasing productivity does not come from merely wishing for it. We have to possess grit, focus and a time management tool that simplifies the process. There are 24 hours in a day and there is so much that can do in that. While our tasks are discrete and defined but our time is not. For example, we may work one day for 12 hours and the other day just for 6 hours. Our sleep time may vary and so will our leisure time.

Pomodoro technique is also known as the tomato timer technique or just 25 minute timer technique refers to a popular time management hack that breaks time into blocks of 25 minutes for maximum focus and productivity, allowing 5 minutes breaks in between sessions.

Pomodoro Technique

This technique is useful for people like me who are easily distracted by things around them. People who have been given regular hours but have a low productivity rate. People who lack focus. People who are not motivated and get easily offended.

  1. Choose a task: I chose a task of completing the four parts of my 2nd online course.
  2. 2. Set a timer: I set the timer the same as mentioned above. (8.25am-8.50am)

3. Start working: I have utilized this technique before but the time interval was not as short. Unfortunately I can’t complete this task in the selected time, I spent almost one hour in completing that task (9.50 am) as it includes videos, pdf files and at the same time I faced internet issues. I felt that this technique is not appropriate for me, at the same time I realized that before selecting a task I must overview it either it will be completed in the selected time or not.

4. Take a short break: I took a break of 10 minutes as I ruined the technique.

Started Again

  1. At that time I selected three parts.
  2. Set timer from 10.00am-10.25am.
  3. I was pretty surprised as I completed it at 10.23am.
  4. Took a short break of 5 minutes and completed the rest of my course by using the same technique.

This technique proves fruitful for me as I completed the whole of my course in one sitting, no doubt it took too much time but I was not feeling as tired as before because it includes too many breaks. As proverb goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” I was more attentive and focused to complete the selected task. I was able to manage my time effectively, avoid distractions and at the same time increased my productivity.

